Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Festivities

Well, I am a bit behind on posts. So I decided to start with yesterday.

The family attended a BBQ at Holly Hills and they put on a fabulous private Firework display! And to top it off this was the first time Evan had ever seen fireworks!! He was completely amazed. I was completely fascinated watching and experiencing it through his eyes. They also had a ton of delicious food and a moon bounce!! The Pro shop let us take Evan on a golf cart ride around the course. Which Evan really loved!! The entire evening was really fabulous and now to the pictures!!

We don't all get this cleaned up often so I took advantage and asked our good neighbor "Grandpa Don" to take our picture. We sure do clean up nice!!

Evan historically doesn't care for Moon Bounces but I think that may have all changed last night!!!
The kid working at the club was so nice and made sure the little kids had a turn!!

Evan never passes up an opportunity to flirt with the girls!!

He did manage to stop for a rare picture with his Mom!!

Jim enjoying a "Tasty Burger"
Koren and Jesse also enjoying some Memorial Day grub!!!

This is why Evan loves the Golf Club!!! He thinks the Golf Carts are there just for him to enjoy!!!

Daddy and Evan hanging out before the Fireworks.
Just doing his normal thing....looking cute!!!
Getting anxious for the show!!!

Another rarity....a family photo!!

We kept pointing to the sky trying to explain to Evan what he was about to see!!

Once they started he was a bit concerned!!! But he got so into it!!! He was making firework sounds and imitating them with his hands all night!! Even today he still was looking up at the sky expecting to see fireworks!

What a bonus...a video!!! Evan's face is just priceless!!! Love Love Love that kid!! Love you Evan!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Examples of Evan Heaven!!!

Here are just some random pictures that I have. Sometimes I just snap pictures and they have no real "category"

So I hope you will enjoy this little dose of Evan Heaven!!!

Waiting verrry patiently for the cookies to bake.

Playing with his sister at the Inner Harbor!!

Playing with Jesse too...wait did you see that??? The Yankees lost!!! :)

After we saw Thomas we stopped at Grandma's!!

Mommy and Evan in the backyard.

Mother's Day and other stuff

I'm a tad behind. I know. Well of course I had a great Mother's Day, I'm Evan's Mom!! :)

While my fabulous husband was grilling chicken wings for me. Evan and I were goofing around with the kitties. Evan really loves Diego. That poor cat really takes a licking from Evan and is so nice about it!! Evan must have asked me a hundred times to take his picture with Diego then he wants to immediately view it on the camera. So cute. Oh, and we leave Sunday for our trip down to N.C. to see Chris!! So there are sure to be lots of pictures from our trip.

We all know Diego is my "first furry born" and holds a special place in my heart. So I love that Evan feels the same way I do about him!!!

If I was a lunatic I would take him to Hollywood!!!
I just love the classic..."wait I'm not ready" face!!!
He so tried to get Baxter in a picture...but we all know Baxter does not like his photo taken!! :)
So we just went with Diego who is so easy going!!!
If you don't think this is cute you should check your pulse!!
Evan kept trying to feed Diego pretzels....
All 3 of us.
Mommy and Evan. Thank you Evan for making me the luckiest Mommy EVER!!!!
One final pose for GQ magazine.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Evan Rides the Rails!!

On Friday May 1st, Evan and I went to downtown Baltimore for a "Day Out With Thomas" at the B&O Railroad Museum. Anyone without young children, it is a little train character named Thomas. Oh google it for goodness sake!!! :)

Let me just tell you that Evan was completely blown away. From the moment we got there he was in the "zone"!!! Checking out the trains and just having a blast!! The place was pretty busy and Evan did an excellent job of staying with his Mom! Seeing his little face actually made me teary eyed. He was so well behaved all day and was just such a good boy. He usually is if I do say so myself!! :)

So here he is posing without me asking him!!! I guess he knew.....Can you NOW see why he was so excited??? The trains were just HUUUUGE!!!

The roundhouse was just simply spectacular!! As a chick I was really into it!!!

Evan of course got down low to inspect EVERYTHING!!!

This was so funny, he just kind of turned around and posed. Amazingly cute.

Inside of some of the trains they had displays, movies etc. Evan could have spent ALL DAY here!!! The place thought of everything to, they had step stools for all shorter patrons!!

This display started out real quiet until the engines kicked in!! Evan thought this rocked!! He's just not afraid of anything!!! But get a look at his face!!!

Then it was time for Thomas!!!!

My friend Jenny and her son Riordan joined us and was kind enough to prove I was there!! You know how it goes....Mom's are always taking the pictures.

I have about a kajillion more pictures, but that should do!!! Don't worry....I have more pictures to post from this weekend!!!!

Mexico without the Swine Flu

These pictures are hot hot hot!!! Since I was making other posts, I might as well keep you up to date and post these!! Tonight...that's right Evan Fans, I said tonight!! The Fam headed down to Columbia to Don Pablo's. Our son loves loves loves Mexican food!! He must get that from his brother Chris!! :)

We really had a great time!! And here are the pictures to prove it!!

Daddy and Evan waiting on our chips and salsa!! Evan's FAVORITE!!!

Where have you been??? We're famished!!!

Evan really loves the rice too. I was happy that it wasn't my table and floor this time!!

Goofing off with Daddy!!!

Still acting goofy....but with Mommy!! Evan is a BIG fan of this place!!! :) Chips, Salsa, Queso, Rice, Tortilla shells....Margaritas...:) SHHH, Mommy had one!!

Afterwards, we stopped at Dick's Sporting Goods and Evan worked on his putting!!

With some help from Dad!

We need to get him out to the club for some practice!!

The Splinter Cell Flyin' High!!

Well, as high as we can with our collective feet on the ground!! We almost had the ENTIRE group, except for our friends April and Jack!! April we are all wishing you a speedy recovery and to re-join LGSC!!

Anyone of you that follow Evan Heaven know how Evan loves the airport, so this was an awesome day for him. Evan's Dad is almost finished renewing his Private Pilot's license so soon Evan will be really flying high!!! So stay tuned!!

So Evan sits down on the bench to shmooze the ladies....and one by one they just seemed to collect. As moms we know it's rare we can get "group" pictures of our little tykes!! So here is a sampling of the attempts. I think combined we got everyone that was there!!!

OK, this is everyone minus: Javin, Chase and Mandy....
Left to right: Jamie, Will, Katie (friend of LGSC), Evan, McKenzie, Maddie, Sophia

Ok, let's see here we have everyone except: Jamie and Javin.
Left to Right: Will, Chase, Mandy, Evan, McKenzie, Maddie, Sophia (Kathy is that how you spell the "short" Maddie?) think just Jamie....
Left to Right: Javin, Chase, Mandy, Evan, McKenzie, Maddie, Sophia

Ok, brace yourself...I think this was everyone!!
Left to Right: Will, Javin, Chase, Mandy, Evan, Mckenzie, Maddie, Sophia and Jamie down in front!! Whew!!! Amazing!!! Maybe we can Photoshop Jack in!! :)