Monday, August 27, 2012

Kindergarten, the next Chapter

It arrived.  Just like matter what you do it comes!  With all the pressure and anticipation for this day you never know what to expect.  I tried not to build it up too much.  I tried to keep things calm in our house and just stay positive.

My plan may have worked!! Evan woke up with no problems and we got him ready for school.  He was happy and happy about the bus.  Evan was very stoked about the bowl of Trix Cereal I let him have.  The send off was fun and full of excitement.  Evan's smile was bringing me so much joy. Jim and I were beaming with pride!

Seeing him making this smooth transition made me feel like I had done my job.  The last 6 years have been so amazing I can't even begin to describe them. Being there for Evan everyday and not missing a thing.  Experiencing the world through his eyes these last 6 years has been a gift I could never repay.  My goal was to use these years to create a  confident and independent young boy.  Evan has really "grown up" and changed this year.  I knew in my heart he was ready for this next step in life.

I didn't cry.  I'm sure everyone wants to know!  Everyone said I would.  Maybe it was the pressure or the excitement.  But I didn't.  However, seeing him get off that bus in 6 hours maybe be a different story all together.  

Evan, when you read this in 10 years from now I want you to know how much your Mom and Dad love you.  Your Brother and Sister have been so excited for you to go on this new journey.  Your whole family cousins, aunts uncles, grandparents all love you so much.  I don't want to get too sappy but I have to say, you truly make this world a better place to live in.  You love to make people laugh and you love to laugh.  Even as a baby you were so happy and easy going.  No temper tantrums or screaming fits out of you.  Now that I sent you off to Kindergarten, I think it's safe to say that!! Never wanted to jinx myself!  You've been a good buddy to your friends and I am positive you'll make new lifelong friends.  So good luck "little buddy" "teeny tiny man" "snickerdoodle".

I took just a FEW pictures!!!

I didn't ask for this pose...but I love it!!

I didn't ask for this either.  But I love it!!! EVEN MORE!

Evan loving his Dad.

My two favorite guys.

I mean....that's cute. 

Showing off his lunch box!

On the bus stop!

Not sure why...but he insisted on standing on me.

Me and my Snickerdoodle.

Good luck Evan!

Showing off his bus # tag.

Daddy and Evan

Love them.

Contemplating the upcoming year???

Bus stop buddies!!  The Hollands!

Goofy faces!!

Evan waving down the bus, he was worried it would miss him.

Waving good bye.....

Off he goes.....

Sneaking on the bus for a picture!!

Bye Evan, we love you!!

Off to school.  

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Where has the summer gone?

I know, just yesterday it seemed as if he was graduating pre-school.  Well, by looking at his blog that's what you would see!  I decided just to do just one summer post before we start the Kindergarten era!

We've had a great summer and Evan had lots of fun for sure.  Evan got to do lots of camps like Dinosaur Camp, Sports Camp, Creepy Crawly Camp and Vacation Bible School.  Evan says his favorite was Creepy Crawly Camp.  He has really changed a lot over the summer.  Evan has two loose teeth, but neither are that close to coming out yet.

He mastered riding a two wheeler back in March and spent the summer perfecting his skills!  He's taken  many bike rides around the neighborhood and even did a few miles on the C& O canal.  We took our bikes to the beach and he had fun riding around Corolla.

Speaking of Corolla, we also were able to spend 2 weeks there this summer.  This marks our 6th year there and it gets better every year that's for sure. His whole family was amazed at how confident he was in the water and loved boogie boarding.  And he actually would track the waves, put down his board and ride them into shore.  We were all really proud of him!  He would spend an hour or more out in the water playing, riding and swimming.  Even Evan wants us to buy a house at the beach!

Now that August is here we realized it's time to get ready for school.  A whole new chapter is upon us. In true Evan fashion he's taking it all in stride.  We'll see how Mommy does...I'll save that for the Kindergarten post!

Well, I'll let the pictures do the talking for us!  We hope all of you had a fabulous summer and had as much fun as we did!  The pictures are a bit out of order.
Evan witha  snake at Creepy Crawly Camp!!  Yes, he is happy about it!

Evan met new friends and played with his "old" friends, like Jack, Zach, Naomi and McKenzie!

Summer and popsicles...what is better??

The Ice Cream truck came to our neighborhood.....FINALLY!!!

Our 3rd Monster Jam....Evan still loves this stuff!!!

Made it even better that Chris was there!  
Evan and his buddy McKenzie had a blast hanging out at the Jefferson Carnival.

Thank you Spring for taking these pictures!! 

With our neighbor Bethany there the kids could ride the BIG kid rides!!

Do you think they are having fun???

Digging to china at the beach!!

Look how grown up my little man looks!!

Sand Castles are a family project!

On top of the Hatteras Lighthouse! Evan's first time climbing all 257 steps!!

On the ferry to Ocracoke Island.

Us.  On the ferry.

Family dinner at the beach house.  

Going for a ride in the Canoe with his brother and sister.  He had a blast!

Family pic.  

Always serious with this crowd.  

Evan's Mom & Dad!

Evan and I in Southern Maryland, back in May.
I think that's it...!!!  Wow.  There aren't even photos of going to the pool, parks, play dates, museums, bounce house fun!! We did it all!!!  Bring on school baby!!