Friday, June 24, 2011

He's got moves you've never seen!!

Evan dancing to Sticktime (our neighbors classic rock band) at the Adamstown Carnival.

My kid is awesome.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Evan's Little Gym Career

Evan started The Little Gym when he was about 15 months old.  He's always really loved it and this week marked his last "OFFICIAL" Graduation!   He'll be taking summer camp there this summer, but with his "rigorous" 5 afternoons of Pre-K in the Fall I thought it might be a little bit too much!

What a rarity!! I am usually the one taking all the pictures, but Jim was able to make this class so we got a much needed shot of Evan and Mommy.  I really love this one.

Evan LOVED having Daddy there!

Always time to take a break.

Showing off his smooth moves!

Evan met one of his best new buddies Brayden at The Little Gym.

Showing off.

Hannah, Evan and Danielle

Evan and Brayden goofing around on the Yellow Wall!!

The whole GANG!!!!

Our family loves Danielle and loves that she's been Evan's teacher as  an extra bonus!

Showing off that certificate.

Here is a special link to his VERY FIRST Little Gym Graduation!  Click HERE!!

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Cassie visits, playing with friends and a trip to the Zoo.

I was once again very excited about a visit from my dear friend Cassie!!  We were childhood chums and were just recently reunited after 24 years! She came back east from Washington State in April for our High School Reunion and returned this month with her 2 sons for another visit.  We had a really great time and it's so nice to catch up!

My house was still a mess from construction so I was a terrible hostess.  But we did make it to a few parks and Catoctin Zoo.  

Mr. John Deere checking in!

Just a random pretty parrot.

Humoring me!

Evan's favorite part was feeding the animals.

Cassie's youngest Christopher was definitely having a good time!

Riding a lion!! ROAR!!!

Cassie hanging with me and my Frederick County Peeps at Pine Cliff Park!

Evan's buddy from across the street Colin came over to join in the hijinx!

Evan, Colin, Nicholas and Christopher

Cassie's son Nicky!! How cute is that smile??

Yes indeed, this is Evan and Colin playing train in a box.  

Evan graduates his Junior Year of Pre-School

On May 23, 2011 our little man graduated from the 3's program at Church of the Brethren.  We really love the program there and Evan decided he wanted to go back for Pre-School next year too.  In the fall he'll be doing 5 days a week 12:30-3:00.  I'll miss him so much.  But we must prepare for Kindergarten which is all day out in Frederick County!

We made lots of new friends and Evan met his best buddy in class this year, Wesley.  I was equally as fortunate to make a new friend his Mom Jeanette.  We are both really lucky to have met them and look forward to spending lots of time together this summer!  Here are some pictures from a really fun Graduation Day!

Getting ready to sing some songs for us!

Swooshing his bushy tail to my favorite pre-school song!!

Thank you so much to Mrs. Puglisi and Mrs. Pershin.  Two AWESOME teachers!!

Evan and Wesley

My cute little goofball!

Wesley and Evan hamming it up as usual!