Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christmas Morning

Evan was really cute on Christmas morning. Yes I have video....working on that. He came down the stairs and then got shy said "uh-oh" and started back up the stairs!!
But he finally came down, warmed up and started cracking open gifts!!!

This is what our living room looked like Christmas Eve...after Santa came.
Here he is heading back up!

Hanging out with Mom until he got his Christmas Bearings!!!

Honestly, I didn't take enough pictures Christmas morning, I was too busy enjoying the moments with Evan!! We had a wonderful Christmas! Next year I'll assign someone to take pictures!
As usual Franklin is right in the middle of things!!!

1 comment:

  1. I savored the moments as well... the only reason I have pictures if because my dad is even more crazy with a camera than I am!! Gee... I wonder where I get it from???
