Well, yesterday was the last day for Evan to be a "Birdie" at the Little Gym. We start on Monday and now he moves up to the 19 month - 2 year class and they call them "Beasties". So now instead of going on Thursdays we will be going on Mondays! This class has been so beneficial for Evan.
He really loves going there and has made so many friends! They had a presentation at the end and all the kids got medals and Certificates of Achievement. It was so cute.
Here are some pictures....
Evan entering his "Little Gym" He can't wait to get started!!
Our little guy receiving his medal and Certificate of Achievement. He looks so cute examining his medal and certificate. What a proud moment!

Perhaps he was reflecting on the past few months and the transition from Bird to Beast!
Almost the whole class!! It's hard getting all these kids to sit still....although Evan loves to sit on "steps", so he was in his element.
Evan still amazed by his medal. He really just loved it! What a cutie.
What else can I say but....CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZ
Evan and his mom! Evan and I just love going to the "Little Gym" and are excited to start the Summer Semester!! Evan will be with bigger kids now and he's sure to learn a lot! Good and Bad! (I really wish I would have done my hair this morning!! ARGH)Evan's Certificate of Completion of Fall/Spring Little Gym Semester!! Way to go!!
Little Feet at the Little Gym. Can you see his "Sandals Tan?"
Those are the cutest pictures!! Can't wait to see him tomorrow!