Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sliding Into Fun on the Curly Q Slide

We moved on to the big red Curly Q slide...which sort of scared us Mommy types...but we all joined in the "spotting" duties!! And Steve was our staff photographer! Thank you STEVE!!

Evan really was so darn cute...I must say.

McKenzie had a turn too!!
And of course... Mr. Miso Cute!!!
Love the comb over!!!
Is this kid having fun?
Tandem slides!!!

I want to know what Spring was thinking??
McKenzie was so happy to see her Daddy!!

Ok, seriously people...I'm exhausted. I can't add any more catchy captions. So here's the slideshow...There are about 250 pictures. Do you know how much time it takes to upload that many pictures to the internet?
There should be no complaints about lack of pictures out of any of you!!!

Here's the slide show....good night!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn


  1. I now bestow upon you the name blogger queen!! I can't believe you got up two posts and a slideshow of our trigger happy playground time today... amazing!! I LOVE the pictures... and I made a list of the ones I want so I can grab them off your computer with a flash drive next time I'm over :) You rock!! I feel like I need to step up my game a little now...

  2. I can't wait to see my little man when I return.

    Luv Dad!

  3. What can I say!! You rock... Love alllll the pics.. Miss you like crazy. Wish I could go to the park and play. Love ya, stacy

  4. thanks for all the pics...i'm missing you guys!
