Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Just another day in paradise....

Happy Wednesday. Today was a laid back day...stayed in our Pjs late and then did some pool time. In the afternoon, Jim went to play golf. Chris, Evan and I went exploring. We stopped in at a small wine festival and walked around the park a bit. Tonight Jim grilled up some awesome chicken wings! We have been eating like kings for sure.

Enough of my rambling....the pictures.

Evan High Fiving Daddy!! GREAT VACATION DAD!!

This was a crazy picture...I just happened to move while taking it. I was using my Nikon it turned out really cool.Playing with his one of many tractors. This is up in the "ship's watch". It's a 2nd family room that's at the very top of the house.Playing with his toys by the pool.Evan had an excellent time with the bucket and the water. I think he was quite surprised to not be told "NO NO"!!! Check out his tan lines...I have been trying to even them out!! That tan is from Frederick, Maryland!! He poured it on himself and ME!!
I brought this float to relax on...but I think Evan has taken it over!!

1 comment:

  1. ok! so how did you fit alll of the toys,clothes and your bodies in the car to get you to your destination? Your a great packer!! : ) Love all the pic's! your getting a great tan by the way! love you lots, Stacy
