Yes, it's officially named!! We even saved it on the GPS. Our favorite spot on the four wheel drive beach is now to be known as:
Little Buddy Beach!!

For anyone who may not know, in Corolla where we stay there are wild horses that roam the beaches. Chris and Jim went to watch the sunrise this morning and caught some horses eating breakfast in the dunes. It's amazing when you see them.

Koren showing her little brother how to boogie board!

Do I even have to caption these anymore? My little fishy coming out of the water!

Evan was so confused when everyone was out in the water and they would ride the waves in and then go back into the water. So, I finally had to call out to Jim to come get Evan and let him catch some waves of his own.

Trying out the hole that Dad dug for no particular reason.
Ok, these pictures are so cute....

Watch out can't resist this dude!

Trying out for his Oakley commercial!

Koren catching some good waves...

Chris and Koren just happened to catch this one together!

Jim caught some waves too!

Evan was looking up at Koren in this picture!!

Always the gentleman, Evan thought he was helping Koren inflate her float!!
Ok, it gets really goofy in these pictures....Out of like 50 pictures..I had to choose just couple.
Poor Evan....If he only knew what he has to look forward to.
Koren's jump really made me laugh...
I think Jim looks like Lt. Dan in this one!! (Forrest
Gump Reference)
I don't even know what to type.....
Evan and his big sister!
We never did get one of Evan and Mommy today....he just was so fascinated with my sunglasses.

It's nearly impossible to get my husband to cooperate for a picture of us. He's more difficult than Evan sometimes.

This was the best one.....

I give up....Hey Jenny...I got my "
SuperSTAR" pose in!!!!

You crack me up Mindy! I do love the superstar pose :) But seriously, what is up with the family pics?? It just goes to show that drinking and the sun just don't mix very well... hehe. You guys look like you're having a BLAST down there!! It's going to be such a shock when you get back here and have no sand for Evan to play in... maybe you could beach the backyard for him!!