Summer Semesters at The Little Gym do not have a graduation...BOOO HISSSS
BUT!!! Evan's big Brother Chris was there to snap some photos of him. Evan is considered a Beast for this semester and next semester until he's 3 when he becomes a Super Beast!!
And we will be reunited with our "Bird" Friends!! YAYYYYY
Evan is still an independent thinker. I was told that if I continue to do the group activities he will join in sooner or later.....or later.....
Walking on the big brown pony, almost all by himself!! I remember when he needed me to spot him a lot!! My little boy is growing so fast!!
At the end of class, Evan waited for his stamps so patiently.....
And stayed long after everyone had gone.......
But he did finally leave!! His 2nd semester of Little Gym is in the can....a new one starts on Monday. With all of his Bird Peeps!!
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