Sunday, August 31, 2008

Evan hit the beach and I got sunburnt.....

Greetings from the Outer Banks!!

We had a really fun day today. Our day started at the beach and then in the afternoon we did some pool time. Evan loved every minute of it! The kid was in overdrive all day. The weather was spectacular and we soaked it up! We knew how much he loved the beach last year, but with an almost 2 year old, you never know what you're going to get. But in true Evan form, bring on the Adventure!! Evan is all about physical activity and trying new things.

The first thing we did this morning was hit the beach!!
OF COURSE!!! Evan found some ladies...and they just loved him. He even let them bury him in the sand.
He had a tough time getting out of this.
Daddy and Evan...

Evan would laugh and laugh when the waves hit them.
This was so cute...Evan talking to Daddy about staying longer.

The two beach bums...
Evan even tackled the big waves with daddy!
Evan needed a little break to dry off and regroup...

But then it was right back in the water!! We really had to drag him out at lunch time.

Then after some lunch and a nap...for all of us!!!
We got in the pool and of course Evan loves that!! The boy really loves the water. This year he has a cool new boat to try out. I almost passed out trying to blow the darn thing up!

Look at that smile!!
I love the look, Evan is giving his father...."Dad....I don't need your help!"

After a yummy dinner we took a walk around the neighborhood, played some air hockey and Evan went to bed at his normal time of 7:30 PM. He's been sleeping and napping so well. We are very proud of him. Evan has such a wonderful disposition and that hasn't changed on vacation. He's been in 2 different places in just a couple of days and doesn't seem bothered by any of it. Running around this big house really tires him out and I think every day he'll find something new to explore.

Well, that's all for today. I'm whooped!! Sunning and funning can wear you out!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Getting there is half the fun...right?

So here are some pictures from our very first day here. While it mostly consisted of getting here...we had fun doing that too...

We stopped for lunch at the Wild Horse Cafe and it was really good. We'll definitely go back. So after lunch we had some time to kill and did some walking around.

I loved this picture!! I asked that they help me keep an eye on Evan...I'd say they are doing a good job!

We went over to the park and the Whalehead Club to let Evan work off some of that energy he had stored up from being in the car for about 4 hours!Of course Evan had to try all the doors!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Evan walks the streets and sits on the steps of Colonial Williamsburg

The other post was getting really long, so I thought I would start fresh with our evening in Colonial Williamsburg.
Well we got there just in time. There was a Fife & Drum demonstration. We even got to hear the cannon go off and the guns too! All the guys were excited about that!

Here we go..a picture EXTRAVAGANZA!!! There are a lot of them!!!
The Fife and rocked!

Daddy is making sure that Evan is ok with all the bangs and booms!
This is the 1st of many sets of Colonial stairs that Evan would try out!
Oh and the other side....

And yet another set of stairs to try out..

Chris trying to coax Evan along

Chris giving the bench a try.....guess who followed???

Now tell cute is this? Evan and his big brother Chris.

Guys...Guys?? Where are we going?

Let's keep moving guys...I have more stairs to sit on, this is no time to dilly dally!!!

YES, I mean it when I said he took a tour of every set of stairs Colonial Williamsburg had to offer!

Colonial Kitty!!! I just couldn't resist.

And who would pass up a chance to do some hard time in the stocks...AHHH Capital Punishment!!! Take note of my son trying to break mommy out!! Way to go Evan!

Looks like he succeeded!!! I'm free!Evan is getting a time out! How about that smile? Can you beat it? no you can't.

Don't think we were finished with those steps just yet!! He would sit down on them and just pose. I wasn't quick enough to get them all.

I really love this one...he had such a great time. There is no motor vehicle traffic in Colonial Williamsburg, so it greatly reduced the danger of letting Evan be curious and explore his surroundings.
Nothing was off limits!!

Chris was a huge help in herding Evan in the right direction!

Evan turned the lights out in town!! What a fantastic day and just the beginning of our vacation.

Later we had some BBQ from Pierce's and I enjoyed a glass of Chardonnay from the Williamsburg Winery while I uploaded all of these pictures! WHEW!

Well, tomorrow morning we leave for the OBX. We'll be taking a ferry and then driving on to Corolla, NC. I will of course be taking more pictures and hopefully making a post tomorrow evening.

Williamsburg Day 2....

Look, everyday can't have a snappy caption....:)

Today Jim had his meeting so Chris and I did some outlet shopping in the A.M. and while Evan napped (YES HE NAPPED, I was worried for nothing) I did a little exploring. The grounds of the Country Club are really pretty and I thought I would give you an idea of what the outside looks like.
We almost hate to leave it tomorrow!!! But bigger and better awaits in the OBX.
Veronica Volvo made it safe and sound, I'm not sure she's ever had her picture taken!

This is the outside of where we was really nice. Evan enjoyed running around (pictures later) and exploring too. I found Sandy Squirrel down here too!
Here she is posing for me!! How cute is that?? Denise..what do you think?

The change in the was really relaxing to just watch it.....and enjoy VACATION!!

The view from our bedroom, don't ask me which hole this is.....I don't know!! I did have fun early this morning watching the Old Timer's Tee off.

Yes, we brought Evan's shopping cart. It's gotten a lot of usage already!

We head out to Colonial Williamsburg and Dinner...Evan leading the way of course

How cute is he? I don't need help mommy!!

This picture cracks me captures Evan just about to take off and Jim chasing after him! Go Daddy GO!!

This post continued on a new post............