Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone. We had a quiet one this year however I did keep up my tradition. Evan and I watched "A Charlie Brown Christmas" together tonight. I hope he grows up to love it as much as I do. His brother Chris did get to come home and visit! Here Evan is in his "My 1st Thanksgiving" pajamas.

He also had my favorite Aunt Leslie come to visit! She stayed and played with Evan, while mom and dad ate some pizza! She said ALL babies cry when she holds them, but Evan didn't.

Evan is doing really well. He was diagnosed with acid reflux but is feeling much better after taking his Zantac 2 times a day. He sure is growing so fast. I can hardly believe he's 1 month old. He had his 1 month checkup and he weighed in at 10lbs 14oz and was 22 1/4 inches long. Here are his hand & footprints that we did today while Chris was visiting.
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