Evan has been doing really well and has had so many visitors it is hard to post every visit. He grows more adorable each day and I just fall in love with him all over again! This weekend Evan's big brother came home to visit. Who better to sleep on than Chris? The king of sleep! Evan won't see Chris until Christmas, so they spent a lot of quality time together. Chris is in the Marine Corps and assigned to Toys for Tots duty this season.
Erin stopped by fresh from Las Vegas! Erin of course loves Evan, like she loves ALL babies!
My friend Dara came by to visit too, I think we've been friends 18 years now!! Wow, who is old here??? Dara is a tough act to follow, she VOLUNTEERED to change a diaper and do a feeding! Dara rocks!
Uncle Chuck and Aunt Sonja drove all the way from Virginia Beach, VA to visit last Saturday! I think they definitely fell in love with the new guy in town!!!
Here is a another picture of the little guy to end this posting! Isn't he so sweet!! My mom says he sleeps with his mouth open just like me!! And of course he's wearing orange, which is my favorite color! Signing off, for now!! Evan and I say see ya later gator!!! :)

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