Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Christmas 2006
Well Merry Christmas Ya'll!!! We had a really wonderful Christmas this year. It was really special having Evan here and everyone enjoyed him. He weighs about 14lbs now and is growing very fast. Evan laughed for the first time on December 26th. It was so adorable. Koren and Chris are really good to their little brother. Here they are waiting for Santa Clause on Christmas Eve.

Is that the cutest Santa EVER??? Christmas Day arrived and everyone must have been nice! Santa brought us all wonderful gifts.
Although Evan is all the gift I needed!! I love you sugar bear!!
This is Evan modeling his first Marine Corps T-shirt, although I have feeling it will not be his last!! The shirt says "Attitude is Everything" His big Brother Chris got it for him!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Evan checks in....
Hey...what's up everyone? Evan checking in... As you can see here....I'm still extremely adorable! Now, in this picture I am just hanging out not sleeping for my mom. I'm lifting my head a lot more and I'm really smiling! Not just gas, but I still have that too. Last time I went to the Dr. I weighed 12lbs! I think that means I'm 12lbs of loving!!!
What was I saying...?? WHAT? I feel like there is something else I should be doing....
Mom told me we shouldn't post this one...or people might freak out! But I really dig my kitty Diego. He told me to close my eyes and pretend to be asleep for this picture. Does it look believable?
Oh, and Franklin is still around too!! See, I told you I was still awake! Franklin likes to walk on me!
Finally, she got the hint. I wanted to sleep downstairs. Some days it's like I'm speaking a foreigh language with this woman. Now....if......I........could............just stay more hour........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
OK mommy's turn. Now that my little sugar bear is asleep, I can take over the blogging! I also wanted to post the pictures from Thanksgiving day when his dad, brother and I did his hand and footprints!
Chris liked this one with his head laying on the book. Evan thought we might want a face print too!!
How cute, look at those little tootsies!! Well, that's it for now. Merry Christmas everyone, I'm sure there are a TON of cute Christmas pictures to come!! So stay tuned!! OH, my mom pointed out that she didn't know all the old posts were archived. Well everything from the beginning is over on the right can click on the month and see past posts! Just in case you are new to Evanville!! Oh, and how come nobody leaves comments anymore ??? :)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Evan sleeps, stretches and gets a bath!
Here's my lil' slice of heaven, sleeping!!! Isn't he just the cutest thing EVER???
Yayyyyy, I'm getting a bath tonight!!! 

Well, due to some "belly button" issues Evan just now got his first "in the water" bath!! Here are some pictures of him being pampered!!! He never cried either, what a good boy.

Thursday, November 23, 2006
My 1st Thanksgiving!
Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone. We had a quiet one this year however I did keep up my tradition. Evan and I watched "A Charlie Brown Christmas" together tonight. I hope he grows up to love it as much as I do. His brother Chris did get to come home and visit! Here Evan is in his "My 1st Thanksgiving" pajamas. 

Sunday, November 12, 2006
Evan is so popular and 3 weeks old!
Evan has been doing really well and has had so many visitors it is hard to post every visit. He grows more adorable each day and I just fall in love with him all over again! This weekend Evan's big brother came home to visit. Who better to sleep on than Chris? The king of sleep! Evan won't see Chris until Christmas, so they spent a lot of quality time together. Chris is in the Marine Corps and assigned to Toys for Tots duty this season.
Erin stopped by fresh from Las Vegas! Erin of course loves Evan, like she loves ALL babies!
My friend Dara came by to visit too, I think we've been friends 18 years now!! Wow, who is old here??? Dara is a tough act to follow, she VOLUNTEERED to change a diaper and do a feeding! Dara rocks!
Uncle Chuck and Aunt Sonja drove all the way from Virginia Beach, VA to visit last Saturday! I think they definitely fell in love with the new guy in town!!!
Here is a another picture of the little guy to end this posting! Isn't he so sweet!! My mom says he sleeps with his mouth open just like me!! And of course he's wearing orange, which is my favorite color! Signing off, for now!! Evan and I say see ya later gator!!! :)

Monday, October 30, 2006
Is it me...... or am I getting cuter?
Hey ladies....what's happening? I'm a Libra, my likes are long naps and clean diapers. My dislikes are being cold and having my diaper changed. I'm an excellent snuggler and will keep you smiling with my charm and personality!!! :)
Well during my second week of life, I've managed to sneak in a few cat naps with my Dad!
My big sister Koren came to visit me!
And Grandmommie too!! I'm so popular. The paparazzi is unbearable these days.
That's about all for now...I gotta run, I'm a busy baby!!!

That's about all for now...I gotta run, I'm a busy baby!!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006
Just kicking back....taking it all in!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Going Home!

I finally made it home!! Here are some pictures getting ready to leave the hospital and of me in my new house!!! This is my big brother Franklin. I have a million more pictures, along with some great ones of Evan with his big brother and sister...I'm going to put together an online album to send out too! So look for that! Gotta go snuggle with him now! See you all later!!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Hello World!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
This just in....!!!
Well no baby yet! And NO I haven't eaten a pumpkin!!! The Dr. said I am 70% effaced and the baby is wayy down! But no dilation yet. So, my prediction is somewhere in the 20's of October! What do you think? I'm feeling pretty good, just the normal tired and uncomfortable. So I can't complain! 
My next apppointment is Monday, October 23rd. I do have an acupuncture visit scheduled for Monday October 16th, so we will see what she is able to do! Oh, and they think he weighs about 7lbs. So let's hope Evan decides to join us soon.

My next apppointment is Monday, October 23rd. I do have an acupuncture visit scheduled for Monday October 16th, so we will see what she is able to do! Oh, and they think he weighs about 7lbs. So let's hope Evan decides to join us soon.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Baby Update!
OK. Here it goes. He's Head down. My Cervix is closed. Approx Weight 6.5 lbs and I'm about 50% effaced. My next appointment is October 12th. How's that???
Monday, October 02, 2006
Pregnancy Update
Well, no pictures right now! But I assure you some are coming soon!! Everything is going fine and I go to the OB this Thursday. Jim's going with me so he can hear the heartbeat!! Other than being tired and uncomfortable I'm feeling well. I'll post some pictures by the end of this week along with my update from the Doctor. Catch ya'll later!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Still Kicking!!
Well a lot of you have been asking why I haven't updated my blog! There really isn't much to report and I didn't want to bore you. I am on an every 2 week schedule seeing the Dr. and my next appointment is this Thursday September 14th. So in the meantime here are some pictures to entertain! I "may" post a belly picture soon!! We'll see!! Other than that I feel fine and I'm anxiously awaiting his arrival! Little E.J. is kicking a lot and moving all over the place. 
Diego hasn't gotten his picture posted yet, soo here he is!! (My first born :) Diego is 12 now! CUTE isn't he!!!!
This is a picture from my shower. Auntie L and her pregnant Niece!!
Here is a "Before" Picture of our Family! Jim, ME and Evan's Big sister Koren and his Big Brother Chris!
GEEZ!!! Contrary to what this picture shows, we had a lot of fun!!! From Left to Right: Kristen (niece), Bethany(niece), Sonja (sis-in-law), Sylvia (Sonja's daughter), Koren(Evan's Big Sis) and just a little of Nikki's Mom!! I'm sure she was smiling!!!!
I've been busy making Evan lots of stuff! Here is the first quilt I made him. This was made back in June. I'll post more pictures of the other quilts he'll have!!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Evan's Room
It's a nice mix of baby and Marine Corps!!!

Well, here are some more pictures of what the baby's room looks like!! For those who can't be here in person!! Notice the new curtains Evan's mom made??? :)
Still need to work on the tiebacks (for you fellas those are the little doohickies that hold the curtains open!!)

The crib that he'll sleep all night in!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!! Jim thinks these are bad pictures....just his opinion. He came in here while I was posting these pictures, so I'll stop now......See ya'll!! :)
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