Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Evan visits Santa and does other stuff!

Evan was a little unsure of Mom had to join him!
We tried to get the group together for a picture!!We almost had it!!!So then there was just Evan!!Evan hanging out with his Big Brother Diego! Diego puts up with so much from Evan.
Evan checking out Wasilla the Moose!
He loves to watch it move and to turn on it on everyday!!
Franklin taking a Christmas cat nap.

Evan still loves to wear everyone's shoes!!! Koren was home this weekend and he was walking around in her boots.

FINALLY wearing his own shoes. He just got these fine kicks on Saturday.

Just like his Daddy!!

Mr. Frederick County!

Today it was raining and Evan had a runny nose. So it was a day for indoor activities!

I had to really talk him into using his hands....I've created a clean monster. So Evan chose to use the paint brushes instead.

Although he really wanted to squirt ALL the paint out on the paper.Yes, he was shirtless....

1 comment:

  1. I'm serious about that moose... if it's was me that took it!
