My little guy is almost 2!! He amazes me more and more everyday. Evan is so smart and it really keeps me on my toes.
We've been busy with our LGSC play group and getting together with our friends. The weather has been so spectacular we are taking full advantage of it before winter comes! We've been to a couple farms/pumpkin patches, petting farm, playgrounds and take walks almost every day!
So, enough yapping, here are some pictures!!
Evan and Mckenzie are just so cute together. It's so interesting to see how excited they are to see each other! Here they are enjoying a beverage after playing on the playground.
Then at a friend from Little Gym's Birthday party Evan got this really cool spider "tattoo"!! I was so impressed that he sat for the 3 minutes it took for her to paint it on his arm! 
Last week, the LGSC went out to Mayne's Farm. We got to see tractors, go on a moon bounce, see pumpkins and go on a hay ride!!! It was a LARGE TIME!!!!
I stole this picture from Will's Blog!! This is ALMOST all of us!!

Today we went to Green Meadows Petting Farm. They had turkeys, chickens, goats, cows, wallabees, horses, baby pigs, chicks, ducks and MORE!!!! It was so much fun. Evan really liked Mabel the cow! He didn't want to leave her barn. It was really cute.
Turkeys....we couldn't really catch them to pet them. This picture makes me want stuffing.
cute,cute,cute... love ya, Stacy