The sappy promised.
It's hard to believe that 2 years ago tonight (10:38 PM to be precise), this little piece of heaven slipped into our lives. Evan's 2ND year has been so much fun. He brings us more happiness than I could ever express into words. I still can't wait to see him in the morning with that cheesy smile and twinkly eyes staring back at me. Evan has just the sweetest temperament. I consider myself the luckiest woman alive to be able to share every day with him. Each day is filled with discovery, fun and yes even snuggling!! We like to stay busy with play dates, Little Gym and lots of other exciting activities!!
I'm really looking forward to this next year. Even if they do call it the "Terrible Twos". Which I doubt it will be!! :) Evan has made me realize what is important and what isn't. I guess babies have a tendency to do that don't they? There are days that all I want to do is stare at him! I try not to for fear it would creep him out!
Anyway, the past 2 years have been so incredible. We also have my husband to thank for that. He makes it all possible. Jim works hard and has to travel a lot. He really hates being away from Evan, but I know this blog helps him to see Evan even when he can't be here. So, a big shout out to Evan's DADDY!!! :)
So, Happy 2
nd Birthday to my little
snickerdoodle. You are a symbol of all the good in the world. I can't wait to continue to see life through your eyes and watch you grow up. You are my everything.
OK, so pictures. We gave Evan his gifts from us today, since Saturday he was on complete OVERLOAD.
He got his very own chair to watch football games with his Daddy. He just LOVES sitting on things. As most of you already know!!
He got a little too excited rocking back and forth and flipped right over!! HAHAHAHA!!!
Anyone who has spent a minute with Evan, knows he loves that shopping cart. So I got him some food for it!!
Daddy, are you almost done opening my boxes??? I want to play with that race track.
Chris's girlfriend Jessica is a Marine currently serving in Iraq right now and sent Evan a Birthday card!! She could only find one that was for girls. But we understand!! Evan loved it anyhow!! Thank you Jessica!
Evan had some boxes set up around his chair like they were end tables. How cute is that?
Here is my little ham...hamming it up!!
How about that smile?? I think he likes his chair A LOT!!!
Laughing as usual.
Evan and his mommy....that's me!!
Tonight I wanted Evan to have some candles to blow out. However, Evan really doesn't like sweets. He wouldn't eat his cupcake at his party either. This is mostly because I haven't given him any either. Which I think is a good thing. So, given the fact that he has had a few bites of a glazed doughnut, I thought I would try a Birthday Doughnut!! I made the plate for Evan last year.
Daddy helping Evan blow out the candles.

Examining the doughnut....
MMMM, maybe I will try this....

Down the hatch!! Could it be?? Success??

Not hardly...I think his face says it all. At least I have photographic proof that I did not deny him his Birthday Sugar!!

This video is so adorable I can't even stand it. Make sure your sound is up and listen closely at the 5 second point. (Especially you Koren!!)