OK, I'm sure this is going to confuse some of you and I do plan to make it as easy as possible. This is the deal...the "other" "new" web site is driving me nuts. It's slow, always down, loses my information....so I'm coming back to Ol' Faithful!! Over the next few weeks, I'll transition the older posts over to here...so bear with me. In the meantime I'll have a link to the "Evan Heaven" site. AND I can upload video to this site easier! (for Koren :)
And not to worry...you'll still be in EVAN HEAVEN!!! :)
OK, so Evan had his 18 month check up on Monday. Yes a few weeks late!! My fault!
Dr. Viray just thinks Evan is so cute and personable!! He's growing like crazy! Although his weight has slowed..which is probably a good thing. He gets plenty of exercise, that's for sure. His mom takes him all sorts of fun places during the day. Anyway, he has to get a shot next week but other than that everything looks great. Dr. Viray commented again how great it was we gave up the bottle at 1 year and of course NO BINKY ever!! He won't have to go back now until his 2 year check up in October.
I had a wonderful Mother's Day! Of course everyday is Mother's Day with Evan! He's still a really happy baby. Sleeping 12 hours at night and I think he's working on transitioning to 1 nap a day..he still takes 2. Evan loves anything with wings or wheels! It's so cute to hear him make a motor noise and get excited when he sees cars or airplanes. Here are some random pictures....
Evan and I goofing off with the self-timer!
I'll end on that note!!! Hope all the Moms had a great day!!
I like the new look