OK, so I was procrastinating and Evan just had his 15 month check-up. Here are his stats:Weight: 26 lbs 15.5 oz 75
th Percentile Height: 38" 97
th Percentile Evan's Dr. was impressed with his height! I told her, so am I! You should see the things he can reach for! Not always fun. Everything went really well and he only had to get 1 shot this time. She asked about illnesses and I told her he had only been sick 1 time in 16 months. Which is just fantastic! And we all know that was just a few days around Christmas. Anyone who saw the little guy then, can tell you what a trooper he was. The Dr. also said since he isn't in daycare he's exposed to a lot less illnesses(Sorry Aunt Melissa!) AND he was bottle fed...so I would love to speak with any of those militant breastfeeding mom's I ran into way back when!! (Dad's too believe it or not, they could be so mean) Looks like it worked out for him. So it was all good news and our little guy is looking great! He was a really good boy for the whole thing too. We go to the Little Gym tomorrow! Here are some pictures from the last few weeks!! Just hanging outside, playing with a Valentine's Balloon, chilling with his dad and vegging on the couch!

Isn't he cute..chilling out watching Cars!
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