Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pre-School Graduation

Well the time has come.  Mr. Snickerdoodle has graduated from Pre-School and his next stop is Kindergarten.  It was a really great day and seeing Evan moving to the next milestone is so bittersweet.  I loved the pre-school years.  Evan has been such a great little boy and I'm looking forward to seeing all the fun things he gets to do in Kindergarten

I did cry just a little. The last 5 1/2 years have been more amazing than I could have imagined.

Here are a ton of pictures.  Enjoy yourselves!

Walking the stage!

Accepting his Diploma!

Mr. Graduate!

Ready for the Big Time...leaving Dad hanging on the knuckles!

Evan's friend Pia 

Still Best Buddies Wes & Evan

Yes, cute aren't they?  

Evan and his teachers Mrs. Franz & Mrs. Ferguson

Patrizia and I.  My coffee buddy.  

Triple Trouble!!!   Patrizia, Jeanette and Me.

Goofing off like they always do!

Wes's face cracks me up in this one.

Mom, Evan and Dad.  

The guys.  Chris, Evan and Dad.

Love that kid.

The 2 Graduates. Chris's girlfriend Graduated from Hood College last week.  

She'll fit in well.....

Here are links to his first year's Graduation.  

And to last year.....