On Sunday Santa drove around on top of a fire engine!! What could be better for Evan? We also arranged to have Santa come in to visit Evan and bring him a gift straight from the big man!!!
And today we visited Santa with some friends!!
This year Evan was so stoked about seeing Santa both times!!!
Evan and his favorite buddy Jamie!!! He asks for Jamie all day long if I slip up and tell him we are playing that day!! We were also with our friends Jeannie and Owen, but Owen was having no part of Santa this year.
I was waiting until I sent out our Christmas cards before I posted the pictures. So here they are!! Evan really puts you in the Christmas spirit!!!
I just love the new place we take him. The Picture People (where I took him last year) out here in Frederick really stink!!!! But this summer and these pictures were taken at a new place.
This picture above was on our Christams Card!! If that smile doesn't make you smile then NOTHING will! :) Being is normally goofy self.