Thursday, January 22, 2009

Snowed IN!!!

KIDDING!!!...we got like a 1 millionth of an inch the other day. However I thought it was best I take advantage of the accumulation and allow Evan to break in his snow boots!! Which he's been wearing around the house for months!!

Evan really had a blast and even "snowed" me into taking a walk for almost an hour with him around the neighborhood while he pushed his little car.

I think here he's just realizing...holy cow I'm finally wearing these boots outside....what's this white stuff?
How cute is he in his boots!! I cant' wait until he can go sled riding!!
Helping Mom "sweep" the driveway!!! That goes to show you how much snow it was!!!

Can I get a push here???
He thoroughly enjoyed pushing the car through the puddle down the hill then back up through the puddle again. It kept him quite busy!! AND...yes those snow boots were extremely water proof!!! Yayyy TARGET!!

Hanging with Dad

Well, I finally got Evan's little remote control car to work this weekend. He has had so much fun playing with it! So much fun he thought he needed to take his pants off for the day!! There was just nooo getting them back on!
I apologize for the ghetto pictures!!

Here is a picture of Evan and his Dad playing with the car....I think Evan is patiently awaiting his turn!!!

Finally, I get a turn!!!

Later on his traitor sister insisted on a picture of her in some sort of rag she must have found in the garbage!! ;)

I think Evan was trying to cover up her shirt!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Evan gets his BC (Bachelor of Cuteness) degree at TLG

Majoring in Cute and Minoring in Fun, Evan completed yet another semester at The Little Gym. He's now a Super Beast since he's nearly 2 1/2!! 2 1/4 to be precise!!

What made this graduation even sweeter was that his sister Koren was there to share in it! We thought that rocked!!!

Evan really loves him some PARACHUTE!!! Here we are having a large time!!!

Evan loves to point, so I thought I should join in!!!

Stopping to give Mom some lovin'....or he just wants a lift off of the balance beam!! :)

Yes, Yes...Evan is teething. Those darn molars are just killing him!!

Hamming it up for his sister!! Showing off his athletic skills!

Koren was a good spotter...although I think your hands should be near the person to spot them!!

Boy it sure is lonely in this big giant circle thing!!.........

How cute is this? Koren and her little brother enjoying a break. He really loved having her there!
Then it was time for Hot Dog surfing!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Finally, it was medal and graduation time. Ms. Lea Anne did the honors once again. Evan was elated to have made it through another semester! He thanked his Mom for always giving him a ride to Little Gym and his Dad who works so hard to make it all possible!! Not leaving out his brother and sister who have come to document the events on film and share in the fun!

It is customary we try to get everyone together for a picture.....

And we try....
And try.......I have like 20 more...but you get the idea!Above all Evan would like to thank Ms. Lea Anne for always being so kind and motivating! She really makes class fun and if you can't tell, Evan LOVES her!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

So he got a Train Table and Trains for Christmas....

.....And we figured we should take him down to the Brunswick Railroad Museum to see some of the real THING!!!
This is inside the museum, they have a little train station set up. Evan thought he should try it out!!

Waiting on the train with Dad...

Walking the tracks...

Trying to get a closer look...

Still no train...

Cutest Commuter EVER!!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christmas Morning

Evan was really cute on Christmas morning. Yes I have video....working on that. He came down the stairs and then got shy said "uh-oh" and started back up the stairs!!
But he finally came down, warmed up and started cracking open gifts!!!

This is what our living room looked like Christmas Eve...after Santa came.
Here he is heading back up!

Hanging out with Mom until he got his Christmas Bearings!!!

Honestly, I didn't take enough pictures Christmas morning, I was too busy enjoying the moments with Evan!! We had a wonderful Christmas! Next year I'll assign someone to take pictures!
As usual Franklin is right in the middle of things!!!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was really special. Jim and I were so excited for Evan! However, before Santa comes we need the Christmas Eve FEAST!!!
This year we added some of the "Deadliest Catch!!"

Holy SHNIKEYS!!! That came out of just one of the crab legs.

Evan was all about helping hand out presents and help unwrap them this year!!

Franklin likes to stand by and wait for some wads of paper to come his way!!
After everyone has gone home, Jim and I got to work to help Santa! This is what our living room looked like around midnight!! Then it was off to hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there!!!

Evan's Christmas Pictures

Here is Santa's little angel!!! And ours of course.

I just love that smile!!!

Ready for the Orioles!!!

I had to join him for the first few until he felt comfortable!!! Then he hammed it up of course!!!

Evan returns in 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! Yes, I realize it has been a while since I've made a post. Hopefully this will make up for it. So prepare yourself for a few pictures!!!

Christmas started around December 20th when we took the trip down 95 to see my brother and his family in Virginia Beach. It was well worth the trip because as it turned out...Santa had made a special stop there!! This was the first time all 5 grandchildren have ever been together!

Bethany, Kristen, Adam, Ryan and Evan
Bethany, Kristen, Adam, Ryan and Evan

The Kiracofe's!!

Everyone (Even Adults) sat on Santa's lap and told him what they wanted for Christmas. Evan was still a little unsure of this jolly fat man!!
Jim sat on Santa's lap and ALSO didn't want to snub Mrs. Claus!!!

Even though my mom is usually naughty all year...Santa brought her a gift too!!

Me and Santa....Santa is the BOMB!!!
Listening to Santa tell us a story!

Spending some QT with Uncle Chuck.

Then a few days later it was time for decorating sugar cookies! Evan did a most excellent job.

Evan really loved his mom's sugar cookies! Notice his plate next to his decorating bowl!!!

Applying juuuuust enough icing......

Hey Mom, this is fun!!

Look at that concentration!!!