Of course she meant just everything to Jim, Koren and Chris. Roz was lucky to have them as family for the last 15 years.
You will be missed Roz.
Every time I try to take his picture he comes after the camera and the camera strap.
I guess I really cracked him up!!!
MTV isn't cool enough to feature Evan's CRIB!!!
Hey Mom.....Welcome to my cribYou sure took your sweet time getting in here didn't you?
Do you know how long I've been standing here waiting for you?
As soon as the "back to school shoppers" are done, we are going to go buy Evan his first real shoes! I can't wait and of course I'll post some pictures!!
Evan is perplexed as to why we must go home!! He just loved the pool!
And then there were all of us!! Saying good-bye to vacation...I guess it had to happen. That's me the Irish gal, can you tell?? :)
Now on to the regularly scheduled Evan Update:
Well, it's official. Evan has started crawling! He did it for the first time on Saturday July 28th. Which also happened to be his sister's Birthday!! So now he's just all over the place! Boy is he fast! Now a whole new world has opened up to him and he's going to explore it! I'll try to get some pictures to post soon
Our little guy also had his 9 month checkup at the doctor. Evan weighs 24 lbs 14 oz and is 31 inches long!! He is kicking butt in the 95th and 97th percentile respectively. We have started to back off on his Zantac dosage, for his acid reflux. He used to get 2 doses daily, now we only do one in the morning. So far so good. If he continues to do well, then I'll stop giving it to him all together. The Pediatrician said now that his muscles have strengthened the reflux should have corrected itself. Evan has shown now signs of reflux since we lowered his dosage. The Dr. gave him a thumbs up on hitting all of his milestones! She thought he was really cute, but he might be off the percentile charts for that one!! :) I've been nervous about starting table food, but she assures me it is just fine. So, I'll start grinding up whatever we are eating to let him have a taste.
That's about all for now. We hope everyone is enjoying the rest of the summer!
Mindy, Jim & Evan :)