- Weight - 18lbs 14oz 97% percentile
- Height- 27 1/2 in 97% percentile
The doc was very happy with both and said he is looking fantastic! He got 3 shots today and did ok. He cried and mommy got a little choked up. Little tears came out of his eyes. :( He's hitting all the major milestones: smiling, laughing, bearing weight on his legs, head control. Evan hates it but we do have to do more tummy time. He's drooling a lot which is normal and teething could begin at any time. His next appointment isn't until April 24th. @ 6 months.
Other than that, he is doing very well. Hasn't been sick at all and is a very happy baby. He's sleeping about 11-12 hours at night. He goes to sleep very easily around 8:00 and even falls asleep while put down awake in his crib! Evan wakes about 7:15 AM and chats for about 30 minutes in his crib. It is so cute to hear him on the monitor. Sometimes his Dad will go and get him and bring him in to visit with us in the morning. Whenever we go out Evan is a really good boy. We have meet other moms at Starbucks or Borders Books and he is so well behaved! I can't think of anything else, so here are some pictures for you to enjoy. Hope everyone is well please keep in touch!
Chilling out in my Penn State hat!!